Tinctures are perhaps the least popular way of consuming medical marijuana and perhaps the easiest. Some long-term medical marijuana users might not even know exactly what tinctures are. Well, to clear that up, tinctures are a liquid concentration of cannabis, where the THC and cannabinoids have been leached out into alcohol. Put a few drops of this concentrated serum under your tongue, and within a few minutes you’ll be feeling the effects.
Here are the basic guidelines.
- 80 proof (or higher) alcohol
- Medicinal marijuana of your choice
- Small glass jar with a lid
- Medicine bottle with eyedropper
Decide how much tincture you would like to make. A ratio of 3 grams of medicinal marijuana to 35 mL (1 fluid ounce) of alcohol is the minimum, although some people use up to 6 grams per 35 mL. Pick a moderate ratio for your first time, and see how it works for you. There are about 20-25 drops in 1 fluid ounce. An average dose calls for 3-4 drops, so you can expect 6-8 doses per ounce.
First you must place your medical marijuana on a sheet pan. Spread it evenly and place it in a 225 degree oven for 20-30 minutes. This process is called decarboxylation. This creates a chemical reaction that releases carbon dioxide (CO2). This means a chemical reaction takes place in which carboxylic acids loose a carbon atom from a carbon chain, releasing the THC. Not every tincture recipe calls for this step but with the cost associated it is not worth taking the risk. After the product cools, place it into the glass jar and add the alcohol. Close the jar and shake it vigourously for a minute or so. Then place it in a dark, cool cabinet. Here is where patience is recommended. Every recipe calls for a different time frame for how long it takes to complete. All articles reviewed call for a different period of time ranging anywhere from 3 hours to 6 months. However, most agree 30 days is optimal. Just rememebr to shake the bottle daily while waiting. After 30 days pour the mixture into a coffee filter and capture the tincture in a measuring cup. Then bottle the tincture in medicine bottles of your choice. Use responsibly.